Our tenders

Name of Bidder: Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project title: Production capacity extension at the company Adu Alba Kft. for the production of Complex Ergonomic Packaging Technical Products.
Tender description: GINOP-1.2.1-15-2015-00291
Amount of grant: 105 177 825 HUF
Scope of grant: 45%
Date of project completion:: 19.11.2018

During the project we purchased 2 pcs. fork-lift trucks, by means of which we can handle separately the incoming and outgoing goods within the site. The incoming wooden stack material, OSB, plywood products have to be unloaded from the trucks and placed on the base material storage area outdoors. The stack material required for the daily production shall be prepared and moved to the hydraulic cutting and two-axle-serial cutting machine.

We purchased a professional design CAD/CAM program for designing and modelling. The program can be used for the planning of vacuum-forming tool, vacuum-formed tray, plastic tray, machining post-production works, wooden packaging, OSB/plywood machining. We can design and model our products for our customers effectively and rapidly.

A CNC milling center specially designed and suitable for milling plastic products has been purchased and commissioned for milling plastic and metal products.

During the project we purchased further 1 pc. dust extractor, 1 pc. combined planer, 1 pc. serial cutting-machine, 1 pc. band-saw and 6 pcs. 3D-printer (4 pcs. PR600; 2 pcs. PR 1000). For exhausting serial cutting-machine in the wooden industry that absorbs dust and burrs from the machined surfaces and the cutting saw. With the help of the combined planer we plane the wooden boards, curved components and skids. The series-cutter is a machine suitable for the cutting of 630mm wide wooden stacks. The rounding of the edges of the ordered pallets is performed with band-saw.

We model and print the packing prototype with 3D printers that can be tried and later ordered by the customers for the delivery of their devices.

With the help of this printer it is possible to produce devices used on automotive industrial production lines, developed for the fixing of parts, for which segment we did not produce any parts until now. These devices are integrated parts of the machining processes on the production line. A further advantage is that the plastic tool replacing the aluminium vacuum-forming tool can be produced in several cases with 3D-printing depending on the design. The advantage of this solution is the short delivery date.
Name of Bidder: Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project title: Development of innovative plastic composit technology at the company Adu Alba Kft.
Tender description: GINOP- 2.1.7-15-2016-02405
Amount of grant: 129 071 000 HUF
Scope of grant: 53,67%
Date of project completion:: 30.09.2021

We would like to develop a revolutionary plastic technology process within the scope of this tender, we are trying to create a laminated composite material of plastic of two different types and structures, which would create a completely new production technology and have a very high innovative potential in the professional world. It is a scientifically/technically significant challenge to unite the two materials (plastic sheet and PE foam) under large-scale industrial conditions so that the arising final result retains its original properties, its protective role and properties, even under extreme cold and heat conditions. The drafted research series makes a proposal for a quite problematic, technically avoided area, contributing to the progress of science. As part of the project, the prototype to be created will consist of a special, on high-level parametrizeable vacuum-forming machine, on which we can experiment with different bilateral material thicknesses of the material components considered optimal to maximize specific applications, and the prototype would consists of a connected thermoplastic component that would allow that the immediate combination and forming of plastic components becomes a process and simultaneous during one production cycle.
Name of Bidder: Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project title: Energetic development of the workshop building of the company Adu Alba Kft. with sustainable energy
Tender description: GINOP- 4.1.2-18-2019-00371
Amount of grant: 23 888 800 HUF
Scope of grant: 50%
Date of project completion:: 01.02.2020

With the implementation of the project a cost-effectively operated building comes to being, the load of environmental effects would minimize, the CO2 emission is currently 41,49 t/year that would reduce to an amount of 2,59 t/year after the development. 16 cm heat insulation will be installed onto the facade. 12 cm thick roof sandwich panel will be installed. The facade windows will be replaced to plastic structures with advanced heat insulation, heat transmission factor U = 1,15 W/m2K. The heat transmission factor of the gates improves to 1,8 W/m2K, the heat transmission factor of the solid doors to 1,45 W/m2K. A 15 kW solar panel will be installed on the roof to meet the building's electricity needs, and a 45 kW wood chips fired boiler and condensation boiler are installed.
Name of Bidder: Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project title: Research and development of new, wood-composit-based packaging material suitable for mass production, further elaboration of the belonging handling technological methodology and procedure
Tender description: GINOP- 4.1.2-18-2019-00371
Amount of grant: 583 188 971 HUF
Scope of grant: 50%
Date of project completion:: 31.12.2021

The implementation result planned for the project shows several levels and a three-way-division:
Technology results:

1. New wooden-based pressed block production technology suitable for the production of pressed block component without drying 2. New ultrasonic sterilization technology for the stoppage of biotic infections related to wooden-based packing materials
Prototype production equipment result: new wood-based pressed block manufacturing
prototype-equipment without drying.
Prototype products: Sterilized EURO and one-way prototype pallets (C) developed with
the application of the new wooden-based pressed block without drying
Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. and its consortium

Press release

PRESS RELEASE of the Adu Alba Kft. Consortium about the project no. GINOP-2.2.1-18-2018-00006 with the title “Research and development of new, wood-composit-based packaging material suitable for mass production, further elaboration of the belonging handling technological methodology and procedure”

The company Adu Alba Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. won the project no. GINOP-2.2.1-18-2018-00006 with the title: “Research and development of new, wood-composit-based packaging material suitable for mass production, further elaboration of the belonging handling technological methodology and procedure” on 17.12.2018 (hereinafter referred to as: Project). Starting date of the implementation period: 01.04.2019, planned physical completion: 31.03.2022 Total eligible cost of the project 783 457 785 HUF. Subvention intensity 74.44%, based on which the amount of the non-refundable grant is 583 188 971 HUF. Name of the sponsoring fund: European Regional Development Fund

The subject of the project is technical and technological development based on material scientific research. Among others 2 economic, social expectations have an impact on today’s industrial technological development trend. One of them is to minimize energy consumption and to reduce different losses. On the other hand, environmental awareness and environment protection are becoming more and more prominent in the design and development guidelines.

The two research topics of the project - new pressed block and sterilisation - are closely connected with each other, because the material used for every pallet shall be sterile as regards biotic infections. If it is not feasible, then despite the new development it cannot participate in international commerce that would be the target market. In this way, the project has a holistic, ie. comprehensive approach, as it does not seek partial results, but complex implementation, with new scientific and technical results.

Székesfehérvár, 01 April 2019